Happy Day After Valentine's Day everyone! Hope everyone had a great one. Here it was pooring snow and sleet, so I got to stay home with my husband instead of going to my boring old class : ) . Believe it or not, Kwing can actually be a gentleman and sometimes very romantic . . . . , that is . . . when he decides to take his focus of his video games. Hee hee. ok My dearest K-wing saw me blogging and admitted this is very true.
Anyway, I bought some nice strawberry goodies at a special bakery for him, but I left them in the company fridge and it was locked and bolted at the ende of the day! Noooooooooooo . . . I cried in dispair. Then I stopped by the supermarket on the way home where I got a cute little bear, a nice card, a nice rose sented candle and those Little Debbie strawberry snacks that he goes bonkers for . . . plus - on Kwing's own request . . . . o yah - Hamburger Helper, everyone. . . . This was certaintly going to be some enchanted evening : ):oops:
But the Un-Valentine's Day Knomes hit again! Nooooooooooo . .. . this can't be - my debit card didn't go through and my phone had just cut out.
So . . . okay, it was blowin rain and sleet, and as I made it in the door . . . ..