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Lots of Free Time Lately

Sorry I haven't posted in quite a bit here.

Long story short, I lost my job. And in a state like RI where it's hard to get a job in a good economy, things haven't been looking up. However, this has opened the door for gaming a whole lot wider. I finally caved and started playing HALO 3. I like it, but the gameplay feels a bit clunky to me. It doesn't help that I have just come off finishing Call of Duty 3 and Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. BTW, I now know what true multiplayer is, because Modern Warfare is the TRUTH. Why don't we own this, seriously? To save money we have just cancelled Gamefly (choking back sobs). It's a good decision. It's a great thing we are out and proud geeks though, because he has like 10 friends he can borrow games from :D.

We also played a lot of Resident Evil 5. Who else thinks it's awesome that they finally changed the inventory system? It isn't perfect, not by a long shot. But they are showing they are listening. Next time around I think we can be confident that they'll get it right. The best part of the game is of course the zombies! The bosses were too easy as a whole but those zombies were sexy. A lot of variety this time around and each zombie is a completely different character. From the way they approach and attack to what they communicate to you before they do. Some of them scream, some of them just lunge silently, and all will try and duck or cover when you aim your weapon. Shoot a zombie in the hand, and next hit him in the shoulder. You will get two very different, very awesome reactions. There are also a lot of bonuses for those of use who get really into each game. The loot/treasure system is one of the most rewarding I have ever experienced. I still haven't found every emblem but trust, I will. I am such an achievement whore.

Until next time.