Alright guys as most of you know, recently my computer crashed and I had to purchase another one. With the PC I also purchased some video editing software. Although, I can't fully use all the features due to the absence of an adequate graphics card, I can however, still utilize some of the features it has to offer.
I've been watching tutorials and playing around with it a little bit, but now I need a project to undertake. Here lies my problem. There's really not alot I can do with the rambling vlogs so I thought some sort of gaming related video would work. But what?
Perhaps you fine people can help a sista out? I need some ideas for my project. I want to keep it game related or something that pertains to Gamespot or the gamespot community. Perhaps a trailer, montage or tribute? I thought perhaps even an introduction video for the MGU! I could do a vlog and incorporate a theme or something...hell, I don't know. I'm really at a loss and could really use some help.
Anything specific you guys would like to see? Any and all suggestions will be appreciated.
So, let the collective brainstorming begin...