Character Sheet
Name: Mizuki Ikeda
Rank: Coloneral
Race: Half Goa'uld/Half Human
Sex: Female
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Silver
Age: 125
Birth Planet:Abydos
Home World:Earth
Allegiance: SGC
Build: Athletic
Apperance/Clothing: (Just like sheppards but all black)
Weapons: M60, Dessert Eagle
Speacil Ablities/ Atrabutes: Extremelly relaible, Brillant, Unbeatable fighting spirt
Bio: She grew up a goa'uld from birth but not to many people know that her mother was a human and not a goa'uld when she was in her prime service for her reginoal master but somehow they find out about her mother and she exiled, not knowing what to do she wandred for nearly a centuary accepting odd jobs as a mercanery and body guard, but one person she was working for she met a goa'uld working with a group of humans she was extemelly intrigued by this so she quitely followed them and she saw them use the stargate so when they entered she quickly came in behind them but was instantly surrouned by numerous soilders
she was kept up in captivity in the base for a short while until the leader of the base asked her to join him, without hestation she joined and for her briallant mind and fighting prowess she easily promated to the rank of coloneral, since a long awhile she finally felt as if she had a family
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