I picked up BF4 on black friday for 25 bucks. I'd have been crazy not too. At that price point the game has been well worth the money. Sure it crashes all the time, but there are few games that reward coordinating with teammates so well. Oh and knifing campers has never been better.
@goutetsuo @Mud_Buttler When did you tell me that? On the history of posts mine is below yours... so I apologize for not having future vision. Now that would be a cool Kinect feature.
I know it's lame, but I actually think the treadmill is pretty cool. God knows I could run marathons by now if I had to cover as much ground as I have in games. Oh and why was that much money necessary to develop a new controller? The one for the 360 is fine, save the d-pad. Still not buy Xbox One as long as the Kinect is there... watching.
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