I havn't blogged in a while, and I read some previous posts. I realized that the games I awaited for turned out to be not worth the hype. I am excited to see the Playstation Move, and Killzone 3. With that I conclude that I guess I'll be blogging a little bit more.
Murny7337 Blog
MAG, Game of the Year 2010?
by Murny7337 on Comments
Could MAG be the Halo of the PS3? I think that it could be one of the games of the year. It comes out in January though. So it would have a lot of competition, because it has another 11 months of game releases. Anyway it seems crazy. 256 players online at once, that pure insanity.
Demon's Souls
by Murny7337 on Comments
I watched the review for Demon's Soul and the game looks good, but I think that the game might be hard. Now I'm kind of afraid to buy because I might get frustrated if I died to often. I'm thinking I should rent it, because if it's not too hard then I'll buy. Besides this I think the graphics look cool, and everything looks interesting. Especially the multi-player aspect. It may help but it knid of reminds me of a more serious fable. Also I downloaded the Beta for Battlefield Bad Company 2 it's good, also I live in Canada and it works fine.
ModNation Racers
by Murny7337 on Comments
I saw this game and I was blown away. It reminded me of the first video game I ever played. Mario Kart 64. I think this is a great concept for a game. I was even excited to hear it's an exclusive PS3 game. Not that I have anything against the Xbox 360, but the PS3 needs more exclusives. Anyway, this game looks fun and has the whole "user content" theme of Little Big Planet. I'm excited for this game. BTW I played the Battlefield Bad Company 2 Beta and It's a good game.
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