Which should I buy? I'm leaning towards Demon's Souls but only slightly.
Murny7337's forum posts
I have 2 AC 2 only took me a week, MW2 took me April 20th /10 to August 9th /10 mostly cuz online. My gameplay on campaign/spec. ops is 3 days
LittleBigPlanet is a Good Game but you have to like it to get it. I rented then bought. Don't like as much anymore. If you don't have UFC, buy it for PS3 because you get more bonuses on PS3. The Resistance games kick alot of ass.
I want to buy a game. I need to know if Madden's worth it. Any suggestions? I'm looking for a game thats worth the money. With a long playtime.
I currently own:
MW2, BioShock 2, Rockband ( and AC/DC), LBP, Fallout 3 and some others not worth listing?
That's Badass, Don't mess with losers who want to be Samurai's
You also need to rest because that's when your muscle grow.
Just a thread, to Voice you Opinion, they don't necessarily need to be a PS3 exclusive. My favourite is Fallout 3.
Should I buy the DLC for Fallout 3, or are any other games worth my $50?
Any Predictions for Saturday's Spike's VGA. I think MW2 will win in any category its in just because the hype but also think if it shouldn't win in it's category it will, due to the hype. I also think AC2 will win some awards.
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