Uncharted 2 Among Thieves Multi-Player - What Naughty Dog Did Wrong
by Musambani on Comments
When I first got my PS3, the first games I picked up were "Uncharted: Drake's Fortune" and "Uncharted 2 - Among Thieves". I love those games to death, the single player experience was truly one of the best things I'd ever experienced in a video game, and that really is saying a lot. Of course, this is coming from a .hack fan girl. Drake is really one of the most original characters in a video game, though his companions may be a little stereotyped. I mean, just look at what the guy has to go through on a daily basis, and you'll understand. From climbing cliffs, to avoiding a Desert Eagle aimed at his head with laser sighting, to tight rope walking, to jumping out of a plane only to see that there was a hole in his own parachute, he survives to face the next challenge. Not only that, he is a much better climber than Lara Croft is. This isn't a review of course, though I will be doing one once Gamespot updates my "Level". After I beat the frustrating Single-player on hard mode, just for the trophy of course, I took my battered behind to the Multi-player. And boy, did it just get better I thought. Though I was low level, I quickly rose in the ranks on the co-op modes, being the best in my team, absolutely dominating while my partners did nothing to support me, and more often than not, rage quitted at me having all those points in Survival along with at least 80 head shots. In rare cases, these people have even thrown GRENADES at me. It's only now do I realize how much of a waste of time this Multi-player experience is, and I feel bad for ever being a part of it in the first place. I'm currently Level 47 on the game, so I have pretty much all of the Gun upgrades. The first problem I'd enjoy ranting about is the amazing ability of the enemy AI to see you "ANYWHERE" on the god damn map. What makes this a gigantic annoyance is more often than not, you'll be easily ambushed by enemies with shotguns or you'll get bum-rushed by an enemy that grabs you and starts choking you, which is like being downed, only if you're not saved, the bar empties quickly and then you actually die. They're an unfair enemy that you can't melee them normally like others, you have to shoot them, so I started picking up on that and adding it to my strategy so it hasn't gotten worse, but I see people making the same mistakes over and over, trying to melee them. Another big unfair part of the enemy's ability, is that they have perfect aiming, and no recoil or need to reload at all. Sometimes in the first round, I can be doing so well but the enemy is always landing their hits, and they never miss, and even the puny guys with the most worthless weapon in the game kill me and my entire team. Why isn't there a sprinting button in this game? You run so slow, and when you do the roll maneuver, you get slightly slowed down, there's no way to move any faster. What really boils me is the big guys who come out at Round 6 with the big gatling guns. They don't even need to spin their guns before they fire like the player does when he tries to fire. They just immediately aim at you, and then you're already dead if you're in the open. It's unfair, and stupid. Even if you hide behind cover, they just chuck an infinite supply of grenades at you anyway, so you're only hope is to stay far away. Even then, they STILL move fast and even while they wobble across the field, they will hit you with 100% accuracy, right in your beating virtual heart. Another problem with the cooperative mode is a SERIOUS gripe on my part, and desperately needs to be fixed in some way. When you go to matchmaking, you get three people since it's a three player game, obviously. I'll tell you now, I have the best connection you can even get in America, with 1.5 MBs, and on a cable, so I'm pretty set. Whoever is playing as Drake in Matchmaking is the host, and always, ALWAYS, if there is a person who is even LEVEL 1 in the session who got matched with you (God knows how they pair a Level 5 with a Level 47 and a Level 52 guy), HE gets Drake! Thus lagging me, my partner, and I eventually just kill him then spawn kill him until he leaves, but even if one person leaves, the entire game ends right then and there, and you need to match make again. You see, this wouldn't be such a big problem, if not for the fact that Drake is the only character in the co-op that can run over Riot-shield soldiers. Yes. In single-player, if you knock down a soldier carrying a shield, you can run up to him and press the Square button to run over him, and then immediately again to break his neck, it's cool, and it's efficient. But what happens if someone who is NOT playing Drake tries to do it in co-op? He IMMEDIATELY gets up magically like Arnold Schwarzenegger on steroids and bashes you away. Ironically enough, it takes more shots for the guy playing Drake to knock a shield guy down, but the other two guys can knock them down in only a very few amount of shots. Power should not be given where it is not due, and I deserve to play Drake. If this game kept track of my kill score, I'd probably already be on the top 10/50/100 for head shots, points, and kills. The amount of "EXP", or Money, you earn per round is rumored to be capped at $50,000, and at Level 47, you need untold amounts of millions just to level up anymore. I feel so ripped off that all of my work, such as ending up with 500,000 points in a Gold Rush is completely worthless when I only get the total max of $25,000 for just that. The way to make money is to get the "Medals" in game. I believe that Trophies and Achievements ruin a game anyway, it causes people to make complete idiots of themselves in multi-player gaming. You see, in UC2, they put in medals that give the extra dough you need by blowing three guys up with a grenade, or making some head shots with the sniper rifle, but they NEVER made a medal for making normal Head shots! Oh, but they'll make one for killing people with hand-to-hand. The problem with it is, I'm trying to shoot someone a bit of ways from me, and my partner runs up to melee him, attempting to not only steal my kill, but try to look cool. What happens when he runs into my gunfire? He goes down, and thus he gets mad at me for no reason, and I've sometimes had people throw grenades at me for it. And what's worse is, they still try to do that crap on Round 9, and if I try to save him, I'll end up getting killed myself. They do these things out in the open like brainless monkeys. Unfortunately, Naughty-dog favors a pitiful death match and competitive style over the sanctity of co-op gaming. Really, how is death match (PvP) ever fair anyway? All people do is stand back and grab weapons that kill others in one hit without much effort (Grenade Launcher, Grenades, RPG,) and camp. Online gaming in these regards has "never" been good, but thankfully, they corrected a mistake they made with co-op. In both settings(Coop and Deathmatch), the sniper rifle had up to 15 shots, and it 1 hit kills most enemies. They lowered it to 6 shots, so people would stop camping with it and hogging everything. Though I don't see why it was necessary, it's not like points mean jack after getting a set amount. I mean, the multi-player coop is usually nice if you're playing with someone trust-worthy, but it just is not worth it in the long run. It's a tremendous waste of time, and they made some seriously bad choices with it.