So I'm sitting in my office on a Friday with nothing to do, so might as well post a blog. I play a lot of COD: Black Ops, and I've experienced most gametypes. Although I am not the best player within my circle of friends, I certainly can hold my own, and I know a lot about winning games. So here are some general tips along with some insight to certain gametypes.
Whenever you are playing online, keep in mind what your playing style is. Not every gametype is for everyone. Neither is every gun or every perk. Find custom classes that work for you, and then adjust from there to tailor to certain gametypes. Some people will never be good with a sniper rifle and should therefore never use one. Other people couldn't live without using Ghost, and that is their choice. Whatever it is, stick to what is comfortable for you. However, it is probably a good idea to use different classes depending on gametype. As far as winning, playing with a group you know will always mean more victories. Communicate with your team if you can. Use your headset, and if your whole team is in a party except you, either join their party (which can be awkward) or forget trying to win and focus on boosting your stats/rank. It's tough to win a game on your own when you do not get any input from your teammates. In general, the following tipswill keep both your W/L and K/D ratios up over 1 if your team works together. If you are going to work on 1 thing, practice accuracy and initial aiming. Aiming better and faster than your opponent will get you the kill 9 times out of 10.
This is by far the most wide open in terms of playing style. Almost any combination can work if you use a good strategy. In general, travel in small groups. 2 people shooting at 1 person usually equals a kill, and at worst an eye for an eye (unless you are severely out-skilled flanked and manage to both get killed). The important thing in TD is Kill/Death ratio. K/D is a very telling statistic, so keep an eye on yours. Even if you are racking up the kills and getting a lot of points for yourself, if you die more than you kill, you are costing your team games. Move somewhat cautiously to avoid dying repeatedly. No need to use ghost if you are constantly moving, but snipers and people who wander around a small area might consider it to avoid being smoked out. Silencers are always a good choice. Slight of Hand is great for the run-and-gun type player if you tend to go Rambo charging into a room of people. Grenades aren't a huge threat, so flak jacket is not as useful as in other gametypes. Ninja is good for runners, not as important for campers. Marathon is always good, as is hacker. Tactical Mask is also not as useful because grenades just aren't always a threat in TD. I would choose flashbangs and concussion grenades over smoke and nova gas, but decoys can work well if you know how to use them. If you are going to use a shotgun, I would roam around indoors most of the game, killing anyone that comes in. You will not fare too well in the wide open, unless you pick up an assault rifle off of someone you kill :) Lastly, do not worry about where you are on the map, just be aware of your surroundings.
This is where I have the most experience, and the most success. One thing to try to forget, K/D does not matter! The other team gains nothing from killing you, so unless you are very protective of your K/D, play very aggressively. It is a good idea for at least a person or 2 stay close to the targets you control, while the rest attack the other targets. Try coming from different angles each time to avoid being mowed down. Here, ghost really will not help you at all if your going for captures, because the other team is going to know you are there anyways. Flak Jacket, Tactical Mask, and Smoke Grenades become really helpful because you will get bombarded with 'nades when you are trying to capture, and smoke can prevent you from getting shot. Claymores are helpful in any gametype, but motion sensors are good for keeping an eye on your controlled targets as well. Lightweight is good for the larger maps because when you spawn, you will want to get back to the action as fast as possible. Second Chance and Hardline go well together on any gametype, because once you have the pro version of Second Chance, it really helps extend killstreaks. Sniping can help your team a lot, as can using a shotgun, but it will be tough to rack up points of your own because unless you get a lot of defends, you will lose out on all of the points everyone else gets for captures. Throw grenades when people are trying to capture (Warlord pro is a good choice because you will have more of them to use). Keep moving, and head towards whatever is closest, targets you need to capture, or targets that you are currently losing. You will get a lot of defends and captures by being efficient and running from point to point.
This one is the one I have the most trouble with, so I will not go too in-depth. Some general suggestions- Claymore the headquarters as soon as you get in there (everyone will be heading for it). Do not worry about camping in the room it is located in as soon as it spawns. It is inactive for 30 seconds anyways, so might as well set up a perimeter, and keep the other team spawning far from it. Once it is captured, stay outside of the room it is in. The other team will be throwing a lot of grenades, so you are better off just outside of where it is. Flak Jacket is again a good idea; ghost can be useful as well. There is a respawn delay, and that can be killer if several teammates die at a time. So if you kill several people on the other team in a short span of time, it is probably a great time to try to capture because you know they will be shorthanded for a few seconds. If the other team captures the headquarters, try planting a motion sensor close to the HQ, and track down anyone left alive near it before trying to destroy it. Once it is captured, one or 2 people might have success FAR from the HQ because the other team trying to destroy it will certainly not expect to run into anyone out there. You do risk getting the HQ destroyed by not protecting it though. If you are real greedy for personal points, when you have a comfortable lead, do not try to capture the headquarters. Simply prevent the other team from getting it and rack up the kills as they respawn and sprint towards it.
So CTF can be a very different game depending on the size of the map. Smaller maps always require someone back at your base to protect the flag, because as soon as the other team has it, it is a short sprint back to their base for the capture. However, on larger maps, you can get away with attacking constantly because even when the other team has your flag, they have a long trip back, and hopefully you can find them before they get there. Marathon and lightweight are a good combo for anyone going for the flag, and tactical insertion can be very useful as well, especially on larger maps. Putting a claymore right on your flag can usually get the first 1 or 2 people that try to get it as long as they aren't too smart. Definitely have spyplanes on as a killstreak, and save them for when your flag gets taken. They will reveal exactly where your flag is (and the flagholder, of course). This becomes especially useful when both teams flags are taken, because you need to return your flag before capturing theirs. The best strategy here is to have the person on your team with the flag camp somewhere (preferably random, because the other team will be looking for him). Leave someone to guard your flag-carrier, and the rest of you have to search for your flag and return it. Lastly, for quick wins, leave someone sitting by their base AFTER you have their flag, so when you do capture it, you can immediately grab it again (this gets super-frustrating for the other team).
This is by far the most intense gametype, and possibly the most rewarding if you can handle the pressure. There is the potential for a LOT of points if you can do well (I have gotten 7250 in one game, and I have seen people hit 10000). There is a catch though, it is very tough, and you only get one life per round. For starters, put your headset on if you are going to be playing S&D. You will need to communicate with your team if you want to win. Silencers are highly suggested, because if you give away your position, you could be dead meat. Lower your killstreak rewards because I doubt you will be getting dogs or a chopper gunner in this game. One thing to remember is you cannot communicate with your teammates after you die, so as soon as you see an enemy, even if you think you can get him, let your team know where he is. As for offense, planting the bomb should be delicately planned. Eliminate the majority of the enemy players first because otherwise you will have a tough time holding down the fort and protecting the bombsite. In general, do not plant with more than 2 or 3 enemy players left, unless you are the only one alive. Even so, if you would need to travel across the map to get the bomb, don't bother. Instead, search out the other team; you can win the round by eliminating them. On defense, motion sensors near the bombsite are a huge help, that way you are free to wander the rest of the map. Move very cautiously. Also, if you are close to another killstreak, and the other team doesn't have 3 points already, do not risk your streak if you are the only player left against more than 3 enemy players. You will help your team more by having a killstreak reward next round. Play conservatively and maybe you can catch them being reckless. For a final few strategies: watch out for nades at the beginning of the game, a lot of people throw everything they have at the beginning looking for an easy first kill. Stay away from cars at this point as well. Occasionally it can be really effective to rush the opponent. Most players sneak around slowly, so they will be very caught off guard if you charge in the first 10 or 15 seconds. Lastly watch out for snipers at the beginning, and consider sniping yourself at the start. I usually pick one player off the beginning of each round, because one less player is a huge advantage in search.
This is a fun, fast gametype. Everyone has a bomb, 2 bombsites, switch offense and defense. Whenever a bomb needs to be planted, think flak jacket. Lots of run and gun, so SMGs and Assault Rifles reign supreme. Though once the bomb in planted, the attacking team could mow down rows of enemies with an LMG. Strategy is a little tough because it tends to be a little disorganized, but in general, attack one bombsite at a time until you get a plant, then everyone protect it until about the 5 second mark. One good plan is to have a person or 2 head to the other bomb around the 20 second mark because this is when the defending team with be most concentrated on defusing the other bomb. Once you get one site destroyed, time is added to the match, so do not give up if time is running out and you haven't planted one yet. On the other side of things, you can win the round a lot quicker if you can prevent the other team from bombing either site. I do not have a whole lot to say about this game. It is basically a "spawn and sprint" type of game.
This is another gametype that is usually fast-paced. I think of it a lot like rugby. The most important thing is keeping the bomb far away from your bombsite. Whether or not you have control of it is secondary. It has a relatively short fuse, so if it gets planted you are in trouble. The other interesting thing about this game is the varying amount of time it can take. Some games end in less than 2 minutes, others last 10. Tactical Insertion is not as useful in this game as other bomb-oriented gametypes because the bomb tends to move around a lot, and if the other team has the bomb, there is no point in spawning near their site. Flak jacket is good for planting. Snipers can have a field day watching over your own bombsite, and again, run and gun becomes the norm. Trying to rush occasionally can be very effective, sprinting for the bomb, rack up some quick kills, and then heading as a pack to try to plant the bomb before the other team respawns. Just like rugby, don't f$#& around near your own end with the bomb. Get it as far from your site as possible, because at least then, if you die, the other team has a long way to go before planting, giving you time to respawn. As a last bit of advice, keep your eye on the clock, when time runs out, it turns into sudden death, and you will not respawn. First team to get eliminated loses. Skip over killcams, and start thinking about sticking together as a team when time is very low. Once sudden death hits, play the game like it is Search and Destroy (think Kill First, Plant Second).
I used to play strictly hardcore. This is where the true professionals play. Turtle Beach or other 5.1 surround sound headsets are extremely useful in this type of game because you will not have your HUD map most of the game. In general, all of the tactics I described previously still hold true, but here are some adjustments: lots of people use ghost pro, so spyplanes become useless usually. Motion sensors are also pointless because you never have a map to glance at. Cameras become MORE useful because they do not cover up the would-be-map on your screen. Weapon accuracy becomes much more important than weapon damage, because most hits will probably kill them anyways. Along the same lines, a wider variety of weapons are effective because of the reduced health. Flak Jacket becomes useful in all gametypes because it still puts a cap on the damage that explosives can do. Carpet Bombs and Napalm become hindrances to your team. You will likely kill as many teammates as enemies and eventually get booted from the game. Short bursts are always more effective than holding down the trigger. Tactics become more prevalent, so communicate with your team.
As a final statement, please remember that this is a beginner/intermediate guide. If you are already great at this game, you will not benefit from reading this. As for people who are new to Call of Duty, or people who might be looking for some pointers on trying out a new gametype, I hope you enjoyed and benefited from this guide. Please let me know if you would like to see more of this discussion, or what you thought of this blog. I would love to know whether people are actually reading this. Keep on gaming!
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