I don't mind free to play for soccer or sports games in general. Personally, I only pick and play with a small number of teams anyway. I don't mind paying for access to my favorite teams if it means I'll pay less than full retail price in the end.
The last Nintendo system I bought was the N64 because of Mario 64 and Zelda Ocarina of Time. (I have the 3DS but I don't consider that a console.) I don't think it is a wise move to purchase a WiiU with NX right around the corner. NX might have backwards compatibility. That would be huge for me because I really want to play Bayonetta 2.
I have held off playing this game until all the episodes are out. I want to marathon/binge play this game to completion. Don't know how long it would take.
I haven't completed the game yet. I imagine I'm not the only one who hasn't. I get sidetracked by all the quests and it becomes a little overwhelming to the point where I don't even feel like playing. This happens with all the open world games I play. I guess I just prefer the previous Witcher's approach to storytelling. I am looking forward to Cyberpunk 2077 but I fear they might go open world with that title as well.
Musharasur's comments