Damn just went over these benchmarks again. How on earth does the 2900xt beat the 8800gts 640mb in price/performance when it performs better and costs the same? GS even says so itself - "ATI's Radeon HD 2900 XT comes close to the GeForce 8800 GTS 640MB, but the GTS still maintains a slight edge in price and frame rates." And yet it scored significantly lower. Madness.
You're doing a great job ANGELOFSOLLACE, banishing the evil of lies with the harsh light of truth. Thumbs up :D. The 2900 is actually roughly equivalent to the 8800gts, so if you're for top end performance you won't find it there. Also EVGA has a clever step up program. Buy one of their cards and you can upgrade it within 90 days; you just have to pay the difference. Handy if you can't wait for the 9 series. @no7skillz: This should clarify things - http://www.beyond3d.com/content/news/230
to run the true dx10 games well (specially at large resolutions), you'll need a proper dx10 card. The current crop: nvidia's 8 series and ATI's R600 just can't hack it. My advice would be to get an x1950xt, the best dx9 only card, then wait for nvidia's 9 series which will launch Q4, with it's midrange products (think 8800gts 320mb) launching in the spring. ATI is meant to launch it's next gen series based on the R700 next spring but given their recent track record, who knows? Just my .02 :) *edit* 9 series is reported to be 2x faster in dx9 and 3x faster in dx10 compared to the 8800ultra, which is the current "more money than sense" gfx card.
Wow. What a load of $%*& this is. Check out http://www23.tomshardware.com/graphics.html for the real deal. Can't wait for the 9xxxx series. It's 1 teraflop performance is gonna blow everything out of the water for a long, long time.
The general level of intelligence on display in these comments is saddeningly low. Fact is, at this very moment the PS3 is not worth buying. Does that mean it will never be? Of course not, that would be absurd. People keep going on about MGS4 and Final Fantasy but they aren't even out yet. I truly pity the narrow minded fools who continue to believe that anyone saying anything bad about the PS3 is biased against it. The PS3 has bad points and good points, so do the wii and 360, why is that so hard to understand?
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