Hey all, been mainly posting on random sites but no real home as of yet. So to just be part of that crazy blogging phase everyone's going through, I made my own:
Check it out sometime.
Hey all, been mainly posting on random sites but no real home as of yet. So to just be part of that crazy blogging phase everyone's going through, I made my own:
Check it out sometime.
Hey guys, it's been a while hasn't it. Been busy with a bunch of stuff, so haven't been able to get on and blog about it. Just to let you all know I'll be keeping my GameSpot account, but I'll be blogging over at Giant Bomb. If you have an account over there, drop me a friend request. Here is the link:
Looks like a lot of people have been getting all worked up about the new review system. After looking at the changes I personally don't have many qualms with it. For one, it doesn't seem to be affecting user reviews, as I just put out a review myself and the same 5 way system was still up for it. Second, I don't see too many issues with altering the system to .5 increments. While I was staff at HonestGamers.com we used a 1-10 system with no decimals. What this system does is not attempt to point fingers and say "the userbase has no intelligence, let's dumb it down." It merely gives the user a reason to actually "read" the review, rather than rely on a score. And for those who argue that they won't know how a game got that particular score, all you have to do is look at the emblems, good/bad comments, and then read the review. Personally, if it were up to me, I would just take out number scores all together.
What they can fix though is the text box for posting these blogs. Don't know how many times I had to adjust the font type and size.
Anyway, enough about that. On another note, I picked up Zelda: TP today for the Wii and am going through the game for the first time, so looking forward to that. And lastly, speaking of the review in the first paragraph, I wrote up one on Pokemon Diamond/Pearl. My first review in almost 8 months so it was definitely odd writing again. But, hopefully this can help me get back into rhythm. Hate to lose that Top 100 Emblem after just getting it.
Going back to the first topic, what are your opinions on the review system?
Hey guys, its been a while.
Haven't been around much for the last 7 months or so, primarily because alot of things have been bouncing around in my life. Finally getting around to finishing up my Bachelors of Science degree, as well as picking up a new job. Also, my interest in MMOs *cough World of Warcraft* have stopped me from playing other games, thus why I haven't put out any reviews or updated my profile page.
With a lot of new games coming out though this summer, I'm looking forward to getting my hands on something different for a change. Metroid Prime III is on the horizon, as is Bioshock. Though MMOs have been my main interest over the winter and spring, I did play around with Pokemon Diamond/Pearl and some XBL Arcade favorites from the past like Galaga and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Man, forgot how good those games were.
So, anyway, I'll probably be around alot more since I'm a bit more situated than I was. And the added fact I got a Top 100 Reviewer Emblem kind of gives me that extra urge to get back into writing. Will just have to get out the kinks :idea: and get typin'.
On another note, what games are you all looking forward to this summer?
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