Mission Impossible?
I have been eyeing the Xbox 360 ever since I heard the first snippets of news around the console. When it launched I had just moved and thus missed my chance on obtaining one around launch. I didn't exactly regret my choice to move, but I did feel like I had missed out on something great thanks to moving and the financial hassle involved. It seems my days of mourning are over. The finances are now watertight (thanks to Pauline) and this week I'll be hunting for the 360.
This should prove to be a fun endeavour. I'm not expecting to find one right away, as there is a major shortage. I've always found it fun to hunt down something I really want, and I'm actually hoping it'll take me some time to get one. That will only improve the actual satisfaction.
I still have a lot of other stuff to do. I have to rearrange the living room as the sun is now glaring on the television and computer, so we wanted to move those to the other side of the room anyway. This is a good opportunity to do so. Both the satellite TV and the 360 will be hooked up coming week (hopefully) and seeing how the 360 cannot be stacked among the other appliances I have to reserve a special spot for the machine. I also have to get a lot of additional cables to hook up the console to my PC monitor and make sure that the behemoth doesn't kill the 360 in the process (it has fried several graphics cards already, the thing is possessed I tell you).
There's also some other housework to do, like properly arranging the bedrooms, something we still haven't done all the way. I'm not the biggest fan of tinkering with hammers, screws etc. etc., but a few lights still have to be installed and we might as well do it all the way now.
BTW, I noticed GS displays your Gamercard. I already natched mine a few weeks ago, just to make sure nobody would steal my nickname. Thankfully I can put it to use this week if all goes well. I'll keep you updated.
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