One of those HDTV's, that is
I've been wanting one for over a year now, and every time something stood in between me and an HDTV, always money-related. But this morning Pauline and I decided to go on the hunt for a good HDTV, in terms of quality and price, of course.
Demands? Preferably below 900 Euros, not too big, HD-equipped (of course) and if possible with component hook-up. We browsed a few stores, often with salesmen that of course wanted to have us pay about 500 Euros more so that the boss would give them some extra pocket money at the end of the month, but eventually we ended up in a store where we were not assaulted by saleshappy employees. After browsing a great deal of TV-sets we ended up at a display with a bunch of Samsung TV's. There were three diferent types to choose from, all with the same specs but with different sizes. It had all we needed, the right hook-ups, the right size and the right price. Sevenhundred and fifty Euro's later we had ourselves a 23" Samsung HDTV.
Rediscovering your games is the greatest part of it all. There's so much detail lost on a SDTV, and HDTV's are so much easier on the eye....
I wish I could elaborate a little more, but HD is something you really have to experience. SDTV's are good enough to get some great enjoyment out of gaming systems, but HDTV is absolutely the best you can get. The difference really, really matters. It's not marginal. It's huge.
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