Moving, Boredom, Freedom & Sweet Surprises
Well, I'm still alive. Pauline and I have been busy moving and getting everything in order and we've been living happily in our new house for a week now. We have been hooked up to central heating last week, but we still have no gas and warm water, this due to some complications with the plumber and the work he did, but we have been promised it will be fixed Monday, so until that time we'll just have to use the shower at Pauline's old place, where her mother still resides.
First thing I noticed while living on my own is how you have less free time, but for some reason it seems like you have loads. While we've been busy everytime Pauline got back from work (unpacking, reorganizing etc.), during the day when I'm at home alone I can do everything at my pace, and that is very, very relaxing.
BTW, a funny story as to why the heck I'm online. At this moment I'm in my new house on Pauline's laptop. We still have not been hooked up with our newly ordered DSL connection, though. Then how can we use the internet? Well, since there's a small factory below us you might have guessed we're in some kind of industrious area. That's true, and while it's nothing serious with chimneys and such there are a number of big companies around here. Big companies use wireless networks, and there's always some kind of fool who's not securing his connection well enough. So we opened Pauline's laptop this morning and found out the machine had connected to a network in some of the nearby buildings. This is great, don't you agree? I hope this will keep working until we have a connection of our own.
But well, a life without internet is boring, especially when there's no TV to waste time on either. Even though this month is financially straining for both of us we did pick up Civilization IV to get addicted to. While Pauline doesn't seem to like it very much, expecially since my PC has a hard time handling the game (which is stupid, I have a good rig) I'm absolutely loving it. I've also been able to make a lot of progression in SMT: Nocturne and Pauline an I are over the halfway point in FFX. I wouldn't know what to do without games, they've helped me to fight the boredom over the past week.
Also the absence of warm water, gas and internet doesnt make this place feel quite like my home. These three things are all services you use without thinking about their relative availability. When they are not there and when you have to resort to other places to get your online kicks, a nice fresh skin or good food you're still feeling like you're staying over at someone else's place.
On the other hand, after a night in the pub it really feels like home. Your own bed, your own pace and your own little things to worry about.
Well, that's it for now, I guess. Sorry if I've been a little incoherent, but a lot has happened and I haven't been able to update you guys regularly. However, with this connection which suddenly became available to us I just might be able to squeeze out a few more updates in the coming week(s) until we have our own connection ready. A least for a few hours my life's less like a hermit's life :) God bless the internet.
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