@Prime_28 actually i could have done without motion controls in Skyward Sword. they made the game chore to get through, motion plus can stand to be more intuitive
@GOGOHeadray @MythicalDrago I'd get that if it has a compelling story not centered around the pokemon league, isn't linear, and has quest to complete with more coming via dlc. then again how will that pan out once your pokemon hit lvl 100 or will it take even longer to do so. I guess it can be a pokemon rainbow game with all the regions and you decide where you start
@GOGOHeadray first move they should make stop wating money pandering to people wanting 2d Mario nostalgia and sink that money into a new ip or 3d mario
@plm3d_basic and those few occasional eye catching that come up every now and then. i think they need to drop the casuals game quota down to just a few games a year
@yavix @youngzen69 @ahpuck pretty much 32gbs isn't much but you can live off that much for months depending on ypur digital gaming habits and get an hdd later
@PSBEATSALLDEAL @Prime_28 the superior human being is open minded and accepting of peoples preferences, and refrains from insults in discussion I:S.We are adults here we can refrain from pettiness
MythicalDrago's comments