Guess what guys, I decided I wanted to suffer even more it turns out. I've done some pretty long ones before, but I think I've gotten the hang of doing vids around the 13 minutes length. Ladies and gentlermen, I present to you Santa Claus Conquers the Martians.
... Yeah. My nutshell experience on it: Parents, if you want to save yourself the trouble of finding coal for you naughty kids this Christmas, just sit them down and have them watch this. I guarantee you you'll have no trouble for the rest of the year.
That's what I have for today's view, if you have any suggestions, please feel free to send a PM or leave a comment about what I should do. I'll try and respond to the suggestion about whether or not I've seen it or it would be fit for a video.
And for the chance to see my suffering:
On some other matters, if you got a 3DS earlier this year, the second half of the ambassador program is coming tomorrow where you getten free GBA games. Also if you have been to eShop before, download a copy of Pushmo. Very good platformer puzzle game on Nintendo's part and doesn't cost too much being at a really good value for the number of levels it has. It also looks really good in 3D I might add.
Second half of December is going to be busy for sure. If this is the last blog I do for this year, then you can at least know that I'm just a bit busy with Christmas stuff visiting my grandparents and such... And do enjoy it while you can mortals... for it shall be your last... :twisted:
That's the news from Myviewing as of December 15, 2011.