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Rant: Hamburgers

Well guys, it's me again and in time for another rant. Today's rant will be all dedicated to: Hamburgers.

Yes people, I'm ranting today about one of the most disgusting things ever thought of by man, hamburgers. These literal heart attacks on a bun that have basically no nutritional value whatsoever, take an entire cow to make, and in general all taste like waste. I have seen a ton of people eat these things back in my day, but to me, these people must have no taste spuds whatsoever because every burger I have tried tastes like total garbage, for real. I don't care what they're grilled on, fried on, or even boiled on, they all taste the same to me in tasting just plain disgusting. Most of them even taste the same no matter how many artificial toppings you put on these thigns and they don't make digesting them any better.

Why on hamburgers? Because every time I talk about how I don't like them, people ask me, "How can you not like hamburgers? They are so good!" No they are not. They are disgusting attempts at feeding the already obese people of America who for some reason need to eat meat because they can't handle trying to take in a few vegetables every once in a while.

And probably the biggest perpetrators for making this garbage are the big name burger makers that manage to make these things worldwide. Of course I'm talking about companies like McDonalds or Burger King and all the other burger chains that bother to make their "food" accessible to people across the world. I mean really, do either of these chains take into account that countries like India don't eat cow meat? So what's the point of going global anyway if there are people who won't even bother buying their crap anyway? Despite that, they still manage to sell to billions every day just by churning out these awful excuses of food.

What's worse is the fact that I'm pretty sure that anybody out there reading this is probably an avid burger eater as well. Really it's you guys who are buying them by the dozen even, occasionally it might be for you and a few other people but most of the time it's always just for you since the average American likes to eat more meat in a day than a bear eats before hibernation.

Bear this much in mind, I have not even begun to cover the worst thing about hamburgers either. Easily the worst thing about them is that if you manage to digest enough of these things, you end up becoming one of the 300 million overweight people who live in this country. In fact let me show you guys something, do any of you want to end up looking like this bedridden son of a worthless @$$ here?
Picture of me

Yeah, I didn't think so. My advice, try and stop eating these things for once in your day if it's too much trouble to give up entirely.

Of course I know that not everybody is able to live without whatever substance hamburgers are made out of, so here's a solution: Jerky is everything hamburgers are and much more. Jerky has actually been proven to be healthier and more economical like from Jack Links. They come in a single package, only cost a dollar for many different flavors, and they taste awesome!

That's the news from Myviewing as of April 1, 2011.