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Sunday Ramblings: Gargunghidt

Lady Gaga wants a perfume that smells like blood and semen. Oh no! Rarararara is a battlecry! This is Sunday Ramblings!

Hey everybody, it's me again with an inability to think of a decent title. This one will obviously be short since I don't have much to do, mostly just after getting off work and not having much to do. I haven't been able to buy any games lately because of my monetary situation. I did say I wanted Lost in Shadow and I would like to get Dead Space 2 once I beat Dead Space 1 anyway. I hopefully will get a chance to when things clear up a bit for me, it's been a bit of a burden on me for a while, I blame 2010 gaming year. I obviously would like to do so soon because of the February releases and the 3DS coming out in March, so it will be a tough but hopefully manageble period. This has been pretty uninteresting to type out I have to admit, but most of what I have been doing these days is writing up my KOTOR adaptation and doing homework. Doesn't life sound exciting at this point?

That's the news from Myviewing as of January 30, 2011.