I'd like to congratulate Mr. M. Night Shyamalan for his most award winning film in years. He earned every one of them and so much more. This is Sunday Ramblings!
A random title I know, but it is the case. I have obtained Ys I & II Chronicles a few days ago and the music is just plain cool beyond comparison. Ys I is an old school game obviously, and that's pretty much why it has so few items in comparison to the adventure games of today and also has this feature of buttonless combat. It's basically just walking into the enemy and the damage for both Adol and the enemy happens. It's basically a Legend of Zelda clone and one of the many good ones fortunately. Of course back on topic, I flaunt the music a lot because the music is just so cool. Out of the soundtrack from the series, I think my favorite song so far would be Mother Earth Altago from Ys Seven. Thought I'd explain the reasoning for the title somehow. Other news time.
A bit of another note, I have made a major accomplishment. I have found 9 Persons 9 Hours 9 Doors! If you haven't heard of this game, I amaze myself in missing this game as well actually. I checked out siberian142's blog one time and siberian mentioned the game and I decided to check it out for myself. After doing some quick research, I went all, "Holy Shrimp! Where was this game?!" Problem was though that Best Buy wasn't carrying it and almost every Gamestop in my area didn't seem to be carrying it. So the story is that a few days ago I went to a Gamestop I usually didn't go to intent on picking up Two Worlds II Royal Edition and Radiant Historia. What chance the stars lined up that day though, I found it. I don't know if it's become something of a rarity in other places, but 9 Persons pretty much has become one in my area. Needless to say, nailed it!
As for the game itself, really cool so fare even though there is a ton of text to read through. Main gameplay is like the "escape-from-the-room" point and click games you may have played at one point and has a focus on math as well with an emphasis on the "digital root." Basically it's what happens when you add multiple numbers and keep adding them up until you are left with one digit, and it's pretty significant to the story. Also in typical point and click fashion, be sure to point and click everything as in "EVERYTHING". I was stuck on the first room of the game when trying to escape and I couldn't find a way to solve this briefcase puzzle because I didn't gather all of the clues that I was supposed to find.
Also in terms of story, it starts off with a really cool hook and makes you want to see where everything goes from the get go. The spoiler free short version I can offer is that it's probably the closest thing to an anime adaptation of the Saw series as we're going to get. I know some might find that an odd idea, but we can pretty much all agree that that concept alone is better than Saw IV. And can somebody tell me why there aren't that many images of the character Lotus out there? This game may have established its status as an obscurity, but that shouldn't be an excuse that she doesn't have sites everywhere dedicated to her. Just check her out and you'll see what I mean.
Over the past week I also managed to surprise myself as far as what I been playing. I finally got around to playing Dragon Age: Origins to the ending. For some reason I never got into the game at first and then over time after playing it I somehow managed to do so and then it became an on again, off again experience. Basically some days I was in to it and others I wasn't. At least I managed to do so in time for Dragon Age II. From everything I've seen on Dragon Age II, the gameplay and presentation is shaping up to be what I was hoping Dragon Age I would be like. It is kind of unfortunate Bioware went back to selecting from six character model options, but I do like the inclusion of the dialogue wheel from Mass Effect as well as the voiced main character.
Today Pokemon Black and White Version have been released. Do enjoy the sweet, sweet milk of the franchise that will never die. I couldn't get it today because I had to go to work and work on a paper. In the near future though, I'll contribute.
Outside of MLB 11: The Show, that's pretty much everything significant for this week. Next week though it will feature several big releases. Homefront will be out on the 15th and I am praying to all existence that this isn't the new Turning Point: Fall of Liberty. Specifically that Turning Point was an FPS that had a really cool premise and then turned out to be one of the worst shooters of this gen. Homefront just brings me back to those days when I was really looking forward to the game and then disappointed by it not getting that much positive reception or selling all that well. Granted the overall plot of the game so far is pretty kooky, but it is a unique one at the very least. It is being developed by Kaos Studios, a developer whose only game was Frontlines: Fuels of War from 2008. It did manage to get good reviews overall, so hopefully Kaos hasn't lost their touch in that time period.
On a side note: Yakuza 4 same week. Make sure that this game sells! … I'd buy it myself if only I was able to play the game :(. I am also happy to see that one of my most anticipated games will be coming out the same day: Total War: Shogun 2! Thank you Creative Assembly!
Those are the games for this week anyway and 2011 is shaping up pretty well if I say so myself. All we need now are more release dates.
That's the news from Myviewing as of March 6, 2011.
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