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Sunday Ramblings: XLV!

As the new season of American Idol quickly approaches, it has begun to make its audiences ask the greatest question in the grand scheme of things: Does anyone care anymore at this point? This is Sunday Ramblings!

Welcome everyone to me having something interesting to talk about. So just recently I got done watching Super Bowl XLV and the winner of this year, Green Bay Packers! Let it be known here that the Green Bay Packers have managed to beat the Pittsburg Steelers 31 to 25 and the result was a superbly intense game as well. Green Bay did manage to say ahead in the game for the most part, but there were plenty of opportunities where Pittsburgh had every chance to take the lead, but the better team clearly won this day. The defenses, the offenses, the kicks, pretty much everything manage to make this one of the coolest Super Bowls in recent memory. The half-time show was also really quite well done; it was hosted by the Black Eyed Peas and had guest appearances from Usher and Slash. Music was pretty good and the performance itself was dazzling beyond words, in fact if it just had been done in front of the right set, it could have easily been a deleted scene from Tron: Legacy.

Pretty much the only thing I didn't like about this year were the opening songs, America the Beautiful was sung by Lea Michele and the National Anthem by Christina Aguilera, both of whom I really didn't care for. I can't remember hearing too much of Christina Aguilera, but in general I really don't like Lea Michele, she just doesn't do it for me as a singer. Didn't like her in Glee, not any different here.

Of course there is also the main reason that I watch the Super Bowl for the most part, that being the commercials. Many being gut-bustingly funny in a very obvious or very sadly true way. As you might have guessed, most of them are based on Doritos and Bud Light/Budweiser beer. Of course there were also some Pepsi Zero Max commercials that managed to deal with some sadly true relationship situations, like one where this one guy is supposed to be losing weight and his girlfriend keeps taking away fatty stuff from him before he can eat it, then she's okay with him drinking the Zero Max, only to throw it at a nearby running girl who he ends up checking out accidently. A really priceless commercial though, this guy and girl are out on a date and the girl wonders things like, "What's he like?, Does he make money? Does he want kids?" And as you might guess, the guy is going, "I want to sleep with her. I want to sleep with her. I want to sleep with her." Then a waitress sets down a Pepsi Zero Max between them and he begins thinking, "I want a Pepsi Zero. I want a Pepsi Zero. I want a Pepsi Zero." Not exactly the same situation as he described, but I believe the great philosopher Jeff Foxworthy did best describe the two things us men are always thinking of, and it shows in this commercial. :P

I also really liked to movie commercials that were brought out this year, all supporting my belief that 2011 will be a cool movie year, for me at least. I'm STOKED for Transformers: Dark of the Moon, and Cowboys & Aliens actually looks pretty interesting (I'm praying Noah Ringer will at least be decent in this one…). A pretty big announcement that was made in the Super Bowl is what's probably the first unveiling of J.J. Abrams' Super 8, so far it is looking really cool and the concepts that were brought forward are having me hopeful. Then there's also the superheroes to take the spot light: specifically Thor and Captain America. I have to admit when I first saw the Thor commercial I thought it would be Aquaman for some odd reason, but thankfully we have a superhero actually worth rooting for at this point. And Captain America has finally received the big screen treatment he has been going for after all these years. There was a live action Captain America movie done before actually, all the way back in 1990 which ended up becoming a direct to video movie, and if you haven't heard of that version 'till now, chances are there must be a good reason. Haven't seen it myself, but now way will this new one be any worse than the old one currently available.

That's the fun I had this Super Bowl, hope everybody else who watches it did so as well, Cheeseheads FTW!

That's the news from Myviewing as of February 6, 2011.