Samurai Warriors Chronicles has a 63% on gamerankings, to be fair it is part of a genre that some people have gotten tired of and some haven't. At least Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3 did a little bit better at 67%. I also enjoyed Lost in Shadow which just missed the single A mark.
Myviewing's forum posts
Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is my number 1. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim at number 2 and Deus Ex Human Revolution at number 3. I am expecting that Super Mario 3D Land will work its way into my top 5 at least when I hopefully get it for this Christmas.
Out of everything, I only somewhat remember that somebody was smoking in the doorway one time. I don't know about anything else in the driving habits though, maybe I just don't pay enough attention.
I wonder if it's possible Revelations on the 3DS was an example of what would have happened or if it was the project before on the PSP. I actually remember Capcom was going to port Devil May Cry to the PSP as well, but it apparently didn't go through.
Alone... I'm just don't get out that much. I would prefer going out in the night if I had to choose between the two though.
I've actually come up with somethinginstead of thinking up of something for next year, watching every Studio Ghibli film.
Spiders, so that would make aracnaphobia. Not sure about much else though.
For Christmas I'll be visiting my grandparents in South Carolina along with a few other relatives. Don't know what I'll be doing for the New Year's Day.
According to the recent news about the new movie adaptation of Dune, apparently the director Peter Berg has met with Robert Pattinson for something. There have been rumors that he might be casted as Paul. I'm curious, do you think he's fit for the role? I've only seen him in the Harry Potter movies, so I can't really say anything about his acting or if he fits the role, but what do you think?
The recent Gamefaqs poll presented two rather amusing ideas I wouldn't mind so much:
1. Hulk smashes the Jonas Brothers
2. Hannah Montana vs. Wolverine
Your hopes?
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