When N-E-Me thinks to much!!
by N-E-Me on Comments
Hello everyone! How are you on this nice day or night? I have been doing a lot of weird thinking. Yes I mean weird. For a while now I have been thinking of not buying any new games, but I feel I cannot do that at the same time. So I came up with a new idea. I bet your wondering N-E-Me why are you thinking of not buying any new games, and why are you suddenly talking in 3rd person? Well I havent really had time to play games, like in my last blog I mentioned I usually play 1 hour a week sometimes. I also have been buying games, and then play them for maybe that 1-hour, or more. So in the end at this point of time, it is kind of pointless for me to even buy games. So my new idea, I shell not buy any games for a while. But If I desire a game, I must beat 3 games. But if anyone of you has a good idea. About me getting around to games, do tell. Do not worry friends my next blog shell be fun. Anyways have a good day or night depending on when you read this.