Minecraft, Max Payne 3 and Yardsale Finds
by N0GRAV1TY on Comments
Well I downloaded Minecraft for my Xbox on the release date and haven't been able to pull myself away from it long enough to tell you guys about or write my review yet. I had never played the full pc release and I was sceptical around the theme of the game but I am hooked. Its great to see a game that doesn't focus on graphics or killing one another. On the release day I played a straight 12 hours without realizing it because I was so immersed into the bit filled world. I have a new copy of Max Payne 3 that I received yesterday that is still in the plastic on my entertainment stand. Today I will be cracking it open and giving it a try. I haven't played the previous instalments to the series but this one looks really impressive. I hope to have a review up within the next week after beating the campaign and playing the multiplayer for a while. I also got a copy of Red Dead Redemption yesterday that is also sitting around waiting to be played. I have wanting it for quite some time now and decided yesterday that I was going to pick up a copy at my local shop for under $20 and can't wait to give it a try. About a month ago my PS2 lens crapped out and started drilling itself into my discs trying to read them. I tried ordering a new part but I couldn't find it anywhere. A week ago I stopped at a yardsale looking for movies and stumbled upon two PS2 systems with all cables, two controllers and 8 games, I asked the guy selling it what he was looking to get for them and he said $30. That was a deal I couldn't say no to, and underneath the wires found a brand new Xbox 360 controller that he sold to me for $5! Have any of you played Max Payne 3 yet? what are your thoughts on the multiplayer? campaign?
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