time to put aside my current gaming progress for a new project
by N0GRAV1TY on Comments
Well after all my new purchases and working on completing them I allowed myself to by another game. (I think I'm an addict) After much thought and research about Mass Effect 3 I have been looking into buying it but have been putting it off to buy other new releases I have wanted. Today I was walking through my local Wal-Mart to see if they had any deals on and lo and behold I found a copy of the game for a mere $30, this was I deal I would kick myself if I missed out on. So now I get to find out the ending that has shaken the ME universe and I get to spend at least 100 hours one of the best games of the decade. What are your guys' opinion on Mass Effect 3? any tips or advice for a new player such as myself? no spoilers as to the games ending or massive parts of the story line please.