The only thing I'm weird about is that he names two games that came out within the last 2-3 years, and then says shelves were "littered" with these titles. I thought he was maybe talking about like PS2 era and before.
I don't understand this Marksman class. That type of weapon has been around for years. I guess they're just trying to categorize that type of gun into its own class now?
I actually think the online policy was justified, they just didnt explain it right I guess. The whole digital future would have made the xbox different from the playstation. But we all know Microsofts online functionality will be better anyway. Always has and always will be.
I'm still not sold on this game, mostly because of the gameplay looking a little stale. I hope it does well, but I can't say I'm terribly interested which is sad because I would like to be.
N34Li0's comments