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N3m3sis0V3RL0RD Blog

So Far...

Fallout 3 is a great game. I have found a lot of similarities between Fallout 3 and Morrowind. Its Starts out confusing, but as you get into it, it begins to make sense. I admit that it still gets confusing from time to time. But I'm glad Bethesda has made a game that is similar to my all time favorite game, TES3: Morrowind.

Trash talking over Xbox Live

Out of all the stupid things i have seen and heard, this tops it off. Why would anyone trash talk to another gamer. I personally think its pointless. The other day a few friends of mine were playing Grand Theft Auto IV online and they were mouthing off to a bunch of guys from england. I have no problem with the english, I half english myself. But my friends were telling them to speak english normally, um lets see for a moment, we (americans) came here from england, along with many other countries. How stupid can you get when you (an american) tell an englishman to speak english normally when your the one that doesn't speak english normally. Oh can you sense the irony? I can. And this isn't only the case with trash talking. I would love to sit here and tell all of you about them, but there is too many to tell. Until next time. Peace.

Gamerencounter and Gamernook

These sites are Social Networking sites for Gamers. I personally think that Gamernook is better than Gamerencounter because it has more features. Gamernook has features that allows you to gain xp, level up, post videos from youtube, chat system, and many more features. Gamerencounter has a lot of cool features but it does lack in a few things. Gamerencounter does have a music player, which Gamernook doesn't have. Gamerencounter also allows you to post your various Gamertags, not only from Xbox Live but other sites such as and Xfire, at least that is what i posted on there. in my personal opinion i was have to say that Gamernook is just a little better than Gamerencounter, but Gamerencounter does have its moments. here is the sites if you want to check them out,

I just saw the new Wrath of the Lich King trailer......

Holy Crap!!!!!!!! this is the best thing i have ever seen since the First time i saw Star Wars Episode III. This trailer makes me want to take my PC, Cover it in raw meat, and feed it to my pet T-Rex. Lol. just kidding, but you get my point. My PC is not good enough to run World of Warcraft at all, and its annoying. Just letting you guys know what i think of the new WoW trailer.

Should we listen to the critics?

and i'm not just talking about Video Games. I'm also talking about movies, music, food, EVERYTHING!!!!! I have always said that the only real critic is yourself. How many times have you listened to a critic about a movie and they said the movie was great, but when you went to see it you thought it was awful. I've been there. All i'm asking is if you all agree with me.

Goals for the end of the year

1. Get all achievements for Mass Effect, Soul Calibur IV, TESIV: Oblivion, Too Human, and Assassins Creed.

2. Pay off my debts

3. Tell the woman i like that i like her. lol.

4. Get two jobs.

5. Buy and Xbox 360 Elite and get rid of my old one.

6. Get Gears of War 2, Fable 2, Mercenaries 2, and a Alienware Laptop.

Just played The Force Unleashed demo today

And i must say it is freaking amazing. I can't wait until i get the full game. The controls were a little bit tough to get used too. I thought it was really funny how i could lift the stormtoopers and toss them around like freaking ragdolls. lol. Like i always say, Darth Vader is my homie. lol.
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