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Is there going to be a 3rd Batman Movie?

Man, i hope so. Batman Begins and The Dark Knight were both masterpieces and the villians were so good i got cold chills down my spine. I have heard rumors that johnny depp might play the riddler and to be honest i can't see that happening. I mean johnny depp has done his fair share of weird characters, don't even get me started on Willy Wonka. But the riddler might be too weird even for him. Then again i can't see anyone else playing the riddlers, Jim Carreys acting as the Riddler in Batman: Forever was down right embarrassing, He overacted so much. So if Johnny Depp is going to play the riddler, lets see what he's got. it can't all be that bad, we probably thought the same thing with Heath Ledger playing the Joker and he did great, so who knows. lets just see what happens.