hiiii :) yes, i am still alive and kickin' :P i just haven't been on here in a while. how are you guys? i've been doing good! so much has happened this past month: prom. finals. GRADUATION! may was a good month :) how's everyone's summer? (let's hope it's summer for everyone by now...)
prom was ahh-mazing! i ended up going with austin (as friends) and i had a really good time. the food was yummy and the music was really, really good. i had a lot of fun dancing. and let's be honest, it was nice to see everyone dressed up for a night. i mean, some of the guys clean up REALLY well haha.
Erica & I
Erica & I again. I loove this picture!
finals were good; they were all pretty easy. well, except for pre-calc, but that's a whole 'nother story that i don't wish to talk about lol. i was actually really sad the last day of high school, it was all so surreal. like 4 years of your life just...gone/done. it was weird. but i'm glad i'm done with it. college is gonna be AWESOMEEE. i'm just afraid because i'm going so far away from everything and everyone i've known for 18 years. so i guess that's a little scary. but i'm excited for the most part.
My Asian (AZN) Sensation, Lily & I at grad.
anyway, summer's FINALLY here :) i'm finally getting enough sleep for once since i sleep till like 11-12 everyday unless i work in the morning. and that's another thing, work isn't as bad is it usually is. like, my manager doesn't annoy me as much anymore. yayy lol. oh and things with max are like complicated, sort of. we got into this big fight after prom because he was being all weird about me going with austin and i mean, HELLO, it's none of your business who i go with. and second off, he went with freaking nicole who i can't stand :roll: anyway, we got into a fight and we sort of told eachother that we liked eachother? but nothing happened because he's a guy, and it's summertime, and he wants to be a 'free man' a.k.a. wants to be a slut lol. it's okay, i guess. i just feel like he wants me to hang on and wait for him and be there, while he's off flirting with anything that has two X chromosomes :roll: but yeah, otherwise, we're still really good friends.
no time for a quiz. hope you guys have a great weekend :)