most of the time you'll get it when you receive the game. they dont want people to reserve the game, get the "prize", then just cancel the reserve the next day or something.
from my experience working at gamestop years ago. the majority of the free clothing that is given out is XL. i think the smallest shirt ive seen is L and that was for a rb6 game.
honestly, its up to you. but I use my ps3 for folding during the day while im at work, then when i get home, i play warhawk and ninja gaiden. i dont really care if theres not a good selection of games RIGHT NOW. but i like the fact that i can get any game that i want, no matter what system its on. i can play mgs4, halo 3, mario party, crysis, brain age, etc.
i have that tv. its pretty nice. i love it. and i got it for $800. best bang for its buck. like they said. but the thing with the popping, it went away after the latest update. so now, its all good.
you wouldnt be able to tell until you get the game. cause on the box of the game, it has a sticker saying that you get it. some of the newer ones dont have the sticker anymore. you should just look at stores.
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