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Area-51 (PS2)

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Though its no Halo, Doom 3, or Metal of Honor this game was pretty cool. The story line is very original.

Things I liked about this game:

  1. The story line is different then any First person shooter game I have ever played.
  2. The game has some pretty cool unlockables.
  3. The graphics for the the cut scenes and game play are awesome.
  4. Very realistic sound effects.
  5. With my play through I didn't notice any glitches.
  6. You can transform into a hardcore Mutant.

Things I didn't like:

  1. There's not that many different enemy's.
  2. Not that many weapons.
  3. I thought it has a little short. Only took me 2 days to beat.


The game was pretty cool. If you looking for a different kind of story line in your First person shooters you will probably like this one.