Lego: Star Wars was a very easy but fun game. Once I started playing it I couldn't put it down.
Things I Liked about this game:
- I thought seeing Lego characters kill each other was pretty funny.
- The load times are not that bad.
- The game play and cut scene's graphics are cool.
- There a lot of un-lockable characters (and I mean a lot. Like over 30).
- The story is from Episodes I,II, and III.
- The game play is really fun.
- There's a bunch of secrets.
Thing's I didn't like:
- You only get 1 force fighting power.
- It's very easy (unless your trying to unlock all the secrets).
- There's no talking in the game. The characters just grunt.
- My game has a glitch in the beginning cut scene were the sounds and the graphics don't match up and I have heard other people say they have the same problem.
This game was pretty cool. I think all the Star Wars, and Lego fans will love this game.