This game was alright (though i didn't like it as much as the first one). It's very slow and boring at first but once you get done with the first disk it gets a lot better.
Things I liked about this game:
- Game play graphics were really cool.
- They cut scenes were very good (there's 2 sword fighting scenes in the game that are Awesome).
- It has a new feature were you can pick your own special ability's using skill points you earn from battles (I really liked picking the ability's that I wanted).
- There's all kinds of side quests.
- I liked that they brought back all your main characters from the first game and some of the old enemy's.
- I also thought that it was cool that you can transfer over you data from the first game so your characters start the second game with the level you had.
Things I didn't like:
- There are so many load times. Every time you go in a door and every battle you get into all the characters have to load.
- The beginning as I stated earlier was so slow. The only reason I kept playing through the first disk was because the first game was so Awesome.
- You keep the same weapons and armor the whole game.
- I could not believe how short the game was. (I was very disappointed with that).
- There wasn't that many places to go.
This game was okay. The only people I would suggest this game to would be people that beat and liked the first game. I think anyone that starts paying this one and skipped the first game will be totally lost.