Emblems are a great feature on gamespot. They keep users coming to the site to watch news conferences, launches and to participate in various contests/ voting polls. Additionally, they give other gamespot users a glimpse into your video game persona. However, some improvements can be made in receiving and the availability of emblems.
First of all the requirements for each emblem are sometimes not clearly stated. For example, I had to search around google and gamespot to find the requirements to get a popular emblem as well as the "good taste" emblem. For the longest time I scratched my head trying to figure out how other gamespot users obtainined these emblems. To make things easier, Gamespot should include how to obtain these emblems in the description of the emblem. Additionally, in future system launches/game conferences, gamespot should let users know if watching/participating in them will result in a new emblem. I know some of the gamespot voting polls do this already, but that is only a small percentage of the total gamespot conferences, polls, etc.
Next, I have found that some users of the gamespot community have created emblems on their own.These select individuals may know someone at gamespot or work at gamespot themselves. Nevertheless, any emblem that they create should be shared amongst other gamespot members or at the least users should be able to pick or create an emblem after passing a certain level.
Lastly, I think that gamespot should create more emblems for users to obtain. Some ideas include: Geezer: Being a gamespot member for a certain number of years ( 5) with a picture of Einstein,various emblems for your video game collection including: Action/Adventure, Fighting, Racing, RPG, aficionado( 50 or more percent of your games in each category), and Queen/King Bee Blogger for over 50 blog posts.
Overall, I think that the emblems are a great way to show your interests and dedication to gamespot. I enjoy receiving and looking for ways to obtain new emblems. However, a few more emblems and other adjustments would further enhance the emblem feature.
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