I post in response to the proposed Universal FCC/ESRB censorship.
The FCC claims ownage of the airwaves, which is why you never see stuff of hear stuff like the F-word over the air, in terms of children hearing that. That is why CBS got in big trouble with the FCC during that super bowl wardrobe malfunction in case you kids, (I know there are you below 13 on here reading this right now) didn't know that is not suppose to happen on their air lines, where as it would not be as big of a problem on a cable/sat network. However, doesn't sat and wireless come over the air? This is why when I was a kid I was against the ESRB, and thought certain people were buttholes to censor games, while in real life, there big hypocrites on the street. You know well that people in either ratings boards use the F-word outside of work. When the ESRB first happened, getting games that kids were not allowed to get got a lot harder. In my state they did try to make a law enforcing the M rated policy, just like how their is age laws on cigs, but it backfired.
When it comes to online games, or shows, what exactly are they going to do? You can't stop using the F word on WiFi and since players of all ages and other countries visit American servers, this really can not be stopped.
However, some older kids do think preventing younger children from playing is not a bad idea, because little kids, the most, and middle schoolers are said to be the most annoying. Sure there is more international issues with racism and politics thrown between country to country when we play on these servers against each other and talk that way, not to mention perverts that hit on kids, but is that any reason for the FCC to try to further interfere? Just how exactly can you do that if the online version is not rated, would you invade another country if someone there broke your language rules on a US based server that kids could access?
The ESRB already does not work, because of one very important flaw on the gaming consoles and the web, CONTENT MAY CHANGE ONLINE. And as such, we recall a certain time in which a player used whats considered a racial slur in a suppose to be E rated Nintendo game, designed for little kids that provoked controversy and reaction? So while the ESRB ratings are well known, its the issue of implementation. While I can't say the same for the FCC, because they bleep what they don't want you to hear over the air, but when it comes to movies and TV as well, you know if the kids really want it, they will find a way to it online, where V chips do not exist. The internet can be hacked by smarter school kids desperate to get around the site blockers, or paying some older folk off to do it for them. I may have been one of those kids. While your not friends with everyone, when it comes to censorship dictation, you join forces with each other and get around the site blockers. And as a real young kid before going digital, I was exposed to our true society in elementary school and up that adults don't want to have exposed. South Park, the way the kids talked at that age on that show, is how it was in real life before that show came on cable. You didn't do it, you were a wuss. While there is no get around with the FCC, I will say the goal is useless. Ratings on the other hand, at least is a tool, but as we know, if there is a will, there is always a way that a kid will find a way to get to, only when they have access to the web.
Eventually when players get older, minds change on the censorship issues. The issue is when some of these very young players who hardly understand anything just do not shut up when they get on their older sibling's or parents PC, they will whine crap like: "get me a jetpack" or "mommy, he killed me!" -over and over again. This is then made up by typical school yard bullies, who you can't help to sometimes join in and be accepted by. Now I don't have problems with kids in middle school on these servers, but there is something about parents allowing the little ones and their whiny voice that does not shut up makes it so irritating to the older crowd. I can see why the ESRB and FCC got started, but nothing works when other parents allow their kids to be exposed to all parts of the media, and those little high pitched voiced kids become mass gun murderers before even reaching 10.
While I do not want to cause controversy and take sides, these are the issues at hand. So while a parent may do anything they can in their power, you can't stop the truth of what lies in the outside world, at least here and now.
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