IU can't even explain the thrill it was to play killzone 2, it was an accomplishment when you unlcoked something and the shooting mechenics were different compared to 3, i thought the clan system was awsome, 3 seemed to try to hard to go mainstream, killzone 2 is really a gem, killzone 3 was a everday shooter.
thats kinda my point man, mabye i wasn't clear , i personally like steam because I can have the updated game whenever right away and it saves me time when i reformat.
enemy territory, is good until it becomes contant duels with people as rambo medics, bad company 2 is where its at if your looking for a semi recent game, arma 2 trades realism and tactical for fun factor.
steams, good for certain games, not for others depends on how long youll be playing that specific game, and how often you reformat your computer, stuff like that.
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