Black ops review
by NYSK8r on Comments
Black ops? more like Crack ops. Why do i call i crack ops? because you would have to be HIGH to purchase this piece of S**t (you're welcome jon...). You're name is mason. there are numbers. you get drugged. you shoot s**t. the rest of the plot is ruined by stupid characters, bad dialogue, and horrible controls. the XBLA multiplayer maps are F****NG AWEFUL. the map Nuketown is the cherry on the S**t sundae. it's smaller than an Asian's d**k. This game makes ET for Atari look like a visual masterpiece. it feels like the graphics went in reverse from Modded Warfail 2... I had more fun in math class than i did playing this. i would say to use this game as a frizbee for a dog, but it might rot your dog's teeth if he bites it. bottom line: -4/10.