Man was it AWSEOME!
Biggest crowd here in New Zealand EVER!
We started queing up for the mosh pit almost 3 hours before TOOL were on and took over an hour before they even let us into the mosh then they closed it so noone else could get in, we were so lucky!!!
Missed most of The Killers while we were lined up (getting squashed as f**k but we could still here them and caught the last 10mins of their set then we got us a good spot near the front while Muse played before Tool, then Tool started, the crowd went MAD, boy was it good!!!!
We were right up the front! It was WiCkEd as!!!
Stayed in the most for most of their set then got out towards the end (up over the front barrier) then watched the rest without having to worry about fighting for our lives! (hahaha)
After that we watched the Violent Femmes who were the last act, they were pretty good too then we all buzzed off home wasted as after a great day but we were so hyped we couldn't even sleep....
Shopped Sat and Sun then drove the 7 hours back home, ahhh sooo good to sleep in my own bed in a room all by myself after 3 days sharing!
Hope you guys have a had a good few days. PB is drawing nearer and NEARER!!!
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