Nadaz73 / Member

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Nadaz73 Blog

page one

hey ummm i guess ill start...

well i recently purchased my xbox with my graduation money(i graduated 8th grade) and a copy of halo 2 WOW! i have halo on pc but halo 2 on xbox is frigin awesome,lol... you know what i just relized today, god the elites in that game are smart, i was playin today and i was sniping them off and i hear one say "kill the sniper" thats WiLd!...

ive started playin splintercell chaos theory for the pc, the graphics in this game is amazing its like an xbox 360 game or ps3. i got it right when it came out for 20.00, although it was a mistake that i got it.... I went to eb games to buy pandora tommorrow for pc cuz i didnt have the money for chaos theory so when i get home i open the package and in there is chaos theory, crazy huh?

ummmm, uh intermission.. doo wop dee dee doo wop snackleforp, go buy some popcorn or a frosted smoothie.

alright im back OMG earlier i was playin my bro in halo 2 and i whooped him 20 to 4 lol hes bad, well see ya dont no what more to write