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Cringe worthy emails - a true story

Ok in my last blog entry i asked a different tutor to give me a reference (I really didn't want to ask him coz he's a bit weird-like from another planet). So Isent him a formal email, except one thing went wrong my signature which automatically signs the emails before i send pasted itself in it.

Heres a short version of the email:

Hey Frank,    It's Nahga,you taught me "Moderns" last year. I know this is  very last minute but could you possibly write me a reference? As I'm  applying for an "MA at Goldsmiths.  I've attached the application form, that gives you the outline of what you  have to write -I'm sure you've done it before - but  just to help you think of nice things to write about me :)  so if you do do it for me (pleeeeeeeeease) then i  will collect it from you whenever as long as it's before 2nd march (the  deadline).    Thank you very much for your time,    Love, peace & bannana's !    Nahga
HOW EMBARRASSING ! As a result, he sent back:
Dear Nahga,    This term, I'm on research leave. But if you can't think of someone else  who would write you a reference, I'm happy to give it a try. However, I  cannot comment on your creative writing skills, and I'd have to refresh my  memory before I can say anything about the quality of your writing in  general. If you think your written work has improved significantly since  last year, you may want to consider asking a colleague who knows your  current work to write you a reference. I suggest we proceed as follows:    Does that sound fair?    All best, and thanks for your kind wishes, especially the bananas,    Frank
I don't think he takes me seriously but i tried to save my honour:
Ok Frank,that sounds great, sorry i forgot to attach the application, i am  very unlucky that i have no tutors in my 3rd year who have really  interacted me much and I remembered that I badgered you the most last year  so you were the best option. On the form it's section 10 - I appreciate  the quick response, let me know asap, if you can do it or not!    Nahga    Ps - I keep forgeting to delete that bannana signature !
But NOOOOO the tutor mocks me further:
If I'm the colleague who knows your work best, I  can write the reference for you. In the light of your difficulties with  essay writing (which we discussed at length last year), I can't write a  glowing reference, but I'll keep it as positive as possible. Let me know  if this sounds OK to you - then I'll write it tomorrow. And tell me a bit  more about your motivation to pick this particular course, and why you  think you are well suited to the programme (just drop me another e-mail,  and keep the banana signature).    Frank
At this point I hope I never this guy in person again, 
I'm already worring about all the other tutors he's told - 
it dosen't help he's best buddies with my dissertation tutor.