Yikes, I've been so overwhlemed by having gradutated and getting a "real" job. Everyday the rents are nagging me "Geta job, get a job!" - i wish it was as easy as that, I've been appling to media based jobs as well as normal retail jobs to keep me afloat, coz it's expensive being bored ! Paying to go out for meals, cinema and even travel...argh...
Also I've applied to this oppurtunity from my uni to go to China for 3 weeks to study the buisness relationship between England and China and also participating in traditional Chinese activities ie. Calligraphy, tai kwon do, mountain climbing, tea drinking, learning manderine - apparently that's a fruit AND a language :p I had to get a tutor reference again, so i decided not to ask the same guy as last time as i'm still recovering from the embarrassment. So what do i do ? I ask an equally embarrassing tutor, he's my Shakespeare tutor or was, the living embodiment of Shakespeare resides in him ! When he quotes plays he gets possessed and gets into character. Anyways I said to him:
"if you can make Shakespeare intresting then you cando the same for me"
Which could of been an insult to shakespeare not to mention myself but he said:
"No problem I'll make you sound amusing not kooky."#
I dread to think what he wrote about me, did i mention he was american ? :p heehee I hope I do get a place, coz firstly everything will be paid for except tickets and visas, so it'll be education and fun at the same time, something to look forward to in the summer or august. Again if i don't get it I'll be holding my tutor responsible and harass him to no end ! My tutors must be sooo relived to see me go :D I've still got my graduation ceremony to go, wearing the ridiculous robe, which i have yet to get measured for and send off...it's becoming so real now...and with that I must depart and go to an interview at a bank...i know howexilerating !Meh!