You think after the exams i'd bestree free ? WRONG.
I'm playing the "waiting" game for my results...
China update - i didn't get a place, it's not the end of the world but it would of given me something to work from.
Mushi the cat got neutered - one stitch came out coz she keeps jumping like a kangeroo which stretched her stitches - ouch!
My hair's grown a few inchs since march so...-getting a trim tomorrow (hopefully a nice bob)
Finally finished Suikoden 4 - now moved on to suikoden tactics which carries on (it's great !!!!) apart from sometimes if a char gets beaten badly they die permentantly and cannot be used again, which means if my fav chars dye i have to reset and so the fight again , arghhh !
Watching "i want a celebrity face" - wow there are alot of bored/rich/silly americans out there :(