I've been away from GS for a month and everything is the same :D
Apart from this new smilie system. Anyways I have my dissertation deadline next week and my portfolio deadline the week after and 2 exams to follow, so this was a brief moment of madness to see whats going on in the gaming world. So I'll be non-exsistant for another month. The non-study related news I have is that my graduation pack came int he mail for the presentation service, robe hiring, photo packages etc. lol it's all happening in september. They even have commemerative uni t-shirts and hoodies witht the names of everyone in the English departement the year we started, definately I'm getting my dad to get me that - it is extortionate in price but one of those things i'll treasure.
Finally my friend gave me my kitten! She looks like a cross between a ferret and a fox, shes got a mega long blody and has a lot of ginger patches. Plus she lieks to climb and has put us through hell by climbing the highest tree 3 times, lets just say witht the help of a rickety ladder and a broom she got down but i BANNED fromt he gardened, shes only 5 months and we gotta get her neutered soon, my mum will spaz if we get kittens in the house. I'll put up pics when I've finished my exams.
So for now Farewell ~