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Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles vs. House of the Dead: Revisited

Well my bro got both games at the same time and to be frank I jumped at the chance to play House of the Dead: Revisited first because I have so many fond memories of it from my Sega Saturn, the terible voice overs, dreadful monsters the crap plot. Ahhh a classic arcade game :D

When I played this on the WII I was in for a shock, it was unbeliveably hard, different from the originals and wellannoying, I died within 2 minutes - i didn't know what was going on all the cut scenes kept throwing me off too. This was all on normal mode in arcade. I tried the original mode which was the same plus you might pick up extra credits or power ups, extra ammo etc. No chance of saving is EVER presented. After dying a few times I unloacked EASY mode, THANK F*** for that ! was STILL hard, I was not impressed, I got past the 1st boss but nevr further, my bro joined in to help me a few days later and we got tot the 2nd boss - he got more agrivated than I - but I wanted to try to get past the 2nd boss but he failed the game and it is collecting dust on the floor.

Damn what a dissapointment. Gun wise i had a cheap one called "Venom" - something like 7.99 British Pounds and it works like a dream and is lightweight and purdy ^_^ Whereas my bro the true gamer has the most expensive on the market 50 quid !!!! It has orange on it's pig ugly but he seems to like it. I prefer my one tho!

Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles is so NOT what I expected, I expected a regualr Res Evil but with 2 players, this is just like Virtual Cop (Retro Gamesrs will know what I'm talking about, far supirior to HOD). It is a shoot em up with great graphics, good story (as per usual, hats off to Capcom) and great voice overs. The cut scenes are seemless and you are given a few secs to rememebr what the hell your doing. Wesker plays a big part in this game.

He is the don !

I was upset there was no cameo from big boy Barry, when I went ot he Res Evil 1 bit - the wasn't even in the beginning - he's the comedy, why would they get rid of him?! I'm sending a angry email to Capcom as we speak ! Apart from that the chapters are pretty cool, as you go around, you pick up new guns and after you complete a chapter you can customise them andaside from your defualt gun, you can pick one extra kick ass gun to take with you - my favourite is the grenade launcher ;)

I'm about 1/4 of the way through (playing with my bro) team work is essential, the extra chapters with one players we take in turn and they are pretty tough doing it on your own and that is why grenades are my favourite weapon for those lovely trapped situations. It is worth doing themfor the extra background knowlegde on chars, monsters and story.

So my conclusion so far is Res Evil all the way - tho let's see what the ending is like - i sometimes screw if the ending is pant ie. Suikoden Tactics - what was that ending about? The goat was his mother? WTF is going on in this world ?@!?!@