Ok well I've seen both from a neutral point of view, as I've seen all the movies preceeding both. I wrote a short blog about what I thought about Spiderman 3, so I'll do one for pirates b4 I compare the two.
Pirates 3 - well it carried on from the 2nd, seaching for Jack Sparrow - somehow in loads of films recently they have incorperated japanese culture - somehoe they did it again in this and we're in like a japanese town at the beginning ! A bit too random if u ask me. Anyways I think the monley stole the show. But if we're gonna talk about humans it was all Keira Knightley- and I loathe her very exsistance ! Even Jack was over shadowed. But the ending was great so I was satidfied, plently of action, stupidity and silly accents.In my opinion 8/10
Both down tot he real debate, which is better ? Well in the box office Spiderman 3 is doing better but I prefered pirates. Ok theis may sound blasphemous to all who ahve seen it not once, not twice but over 3 times. I'm not saying it wasrubbish,I'm just saying i was more entertained by a monkey and some pirates. Muscials intertwined with superhereo sagas is bad news for me ! But i know this is vague, but it's my opinion and I'm the not that over-obsessive to note all the pros and cons.
Feel free to add any obvious redeeming points of either or dire scenes ~