I feeling a little hazy today so please excuse the in coherant entry, well here goes !
Tales from Earthsea (anime-movie, ghibli studio)
As much as I love Mizasaki's suff, his grandson did make a half arsed attempt. Don't get me wrong there were intresting plot lines and characters ...that never really went anywhere. The bad guy was hilarious, a transvestite with a woman's voice in japanese. Another good point, watch it in japanese rather than English - the English dub was pitiful compared to Howl's Moving Castle. Even the long time music director Joe Hiashi was replaced, however I did quite like the asian/celtic soundtrack. Probably the best part for me. There were careless mouth syncing which was quite embarrasing. I'm sure miyazaki was embarrased by the finished product. Loads of questions were left un answerd like "Why did the prince have a split personality/ shadow complex", "why did he kill his father.", "why couldn't any of the witches use the magic sword?", "what was witht the dragon theme at the beginnin?", "wasen't he world digressing due tot he imbalance? Why did everyone sort of forget this?", "why did Sparrowhawk only have powers?" and lastly "Why did sparrow hawk have such a lame name ?" lol, I made the most out of the movie but it wasen't the best, so i won't be buying it - if anything the soundtrack...when it goes to the bargain bin.
Transformers the movie (movie based on cartoon)
Excellent. Great story, apart from the romance abit too cheesy for my liking, great effects and just great action. There's no point in me saying anymore, watch it, it's worth it ! Bumble-bee is the cutest :) Also there was a lot of advertising for the GMC car brand- i wanted a volkswagen beetle somewhere in there !
Anime Day
It wasen't spectacular, all the goody bags were gone, and we had to buy a DVD to participate in the raffle - which was for 2 ppl to win free anime dvds for the rest of the year. fortunately my friend won ! She's suaully quite greedy but actually said if there are any dvd's we want, she'll give them to us which was suprising. We sort of left and came back, then this japanese band performed who were featured on the "johnathan Ross's Japanorama" series and we were like "wooow it's Electirc Shock Eels!" There were really rock-techno, it was hilarious - they performed there famous "Bastard song". At the end i managed to run past the papperazzi to get a pic witht he lead singer. Did I mention I was wearing a Lolita dress? :p
School reunion/Catherine's birthday
She invited over 200ppl and only 6 ppl turned up, well i was certainly dissapointed, so she must of been really upset. Oh well ! We went to a tapas resterant, "El Patio". The food was really tasty, they were in small portions tho - i could of stomached a bit more :p I had a headache and left early.
hair experiments
I finally got my hair dyed blue ! Not the whole head but highlights, black and a rich blackberry blue - the only problem was when it faded it went teal blue, green then white-ish and my parents hated it ! So I was ordered to get it re-dyed and cut. The cut turned out awfull and the colour my usual red - with a hint of raspberry.
It went well, most of the ppl from my course turned up, my hat was too big, so i had to get the smallest hat which STILL didn't fit me...My outfit matched my hair which was pure luck and then my mum wore a dark pint suit and we both matched :p Got loads of pics with ppl, but not everyone coz loads of ppl went home early - the part poopers. Whereas at the english department part - my tutors were getting drunk - seriously it was WEIRD! We were having some nice group pics, until one of my class mates pulled my hair and i sort of punched him on the eyebrow piercing and it was erm... bleeding... the best shot I've ever taken ! Everyone applauded me, that guy had it coming. So it was all good - apart from my dad getting really annoyed that this family who had a kid who kept crying and tlaking through the whole ceremony - he wanted to have a go at the family - who i actually knew - ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i don't know how i avoided this confrontation but it was pretty close. *phew*
Mushi fun
My kitty has turned from a scaredy cat into a warrior, she chases any cat that enters my garden - bearing in mind theya re all double her size.
My parents have booked a last minute trip to Malaga this sunday so i'm sort of still shocked by the randomness. So I will have wonderous stories to tell when I get back- hopefully :p
Wow this was one LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON entry - hope I haven't sent u all to sleep.