I'm very passionate about my N64. It was my very first console and it was what started my fasination with video games. Without it, I never would have gotten as involved with video games as I am today. Sure the PS 1 beat it in sales, but back then I didn't even care about any console war. I just enjoyed the games. So to commemorate a great console, I give you my favourite games from my childhood system... the Nintendo 64.
10. F Zero X
F Zero was always about racing at break neck speeds down crazy courses. Not only was the compitition fierce, but it was just hard enough trying to stay on the track. Going off insane ramps and traveling over 1000 km/hr definately wasn't easy to control, which makes it low on this list. But balance the fact that it had a wide variety of unique courses, large rouster of hovercraft, and a great rock soundtrack, this game easily stands beside any other racing franchise. Plus, how many other racing games have their own mascot? F Zero has Captain Falcon, one of the most bad ass pilots to ever get behind the wheel. Beat that Gran Turismo!
9. Snowboard Kids
This is another racer that will be a lot less familar than other games, but it's impact was just as big. You played as six different snowboarders as you raced down a slope trying to complete the course first. What made the game great was all the variety of items you could throw at your opponent, similar to Mario Kart. One power up even turned another racer into a snowman! The quirky characters, awesome tracks, and pure nostalgia make this one of my beloved games of the past. I rented this game so many times I'm surprised I didn't buy it. I'll go ahead and say this: Snowboard Kids is better than MarioKart 64. That's right.
8.Super Smash Bros.
Before Brawl. Before Melee. There was this. The game that started a thousand fights with your favourite nintendo characters. Back in my youth (kind of wierd to say that) I never played any Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter. For me, it all about the smash. Countless hours have been spent pummeling my friends as Donkey Kong, as well as trying not to fall into the tornado on the Hyrule level. Which ever character you played as, you knew that you would be having fun using the items and scaling the platforms while trying to knock your opponent off.
7. Mario 64
Ahh Mario, you certainly like Top List don't you? Going back to his 3-D roots, this game is the first time we got to see the chubby plumber in all three dimensions. I can't remember the first star I collected, but I do remember all the time I've spent exploring each gorgious world as I looked for them. To this day, I still haven't found all 120. It's slightly low on my list because there were some levels that I found atrosious, and the winged hat was a hassle to fly. But Even so, There far more great levels than there were bad, some being so unique that sometimes you need to stop and look at the details.
6. Donkey Kong 64
The second platformer on this list, and rightfully so. I actually got this game along with my N64 as a bundle, so DK64 would be one of the first games I've ever played. Each of the kongs have their own unique power ups in order to collect all the golden bananas. The levels were huge and fun to explore, and they really tested your platforming skills. Sure the multiplayer wasn't exactly stunning and seemed tacked on, but I would hardly expect it from a platformer. One last thing to note, is that the final showdown with King K. Rool was so unexpected and hilarious, that it manages to pull itself in front of Mario 64, though I like both games pretty much equally.
5. Star Fox 64
If there's one word that can use to describe this game, it would be replayability. Sure you could beat the game in under an hour, but in fact that's a part of what makes it great! The gameplay feels like an arcade game; collecting upgrades for your ship as you travel from planet to planet. You would fly your starship across the land blowing up everything in your path, all the way to a satisfying boss battle. And it never got tiring! You could play this game for hours (which I have) just trying to top my high score and going to different planets. Get it on the Wii market if you've never played it. Worth every dollar.
4. Perfect Dark
I hear the complaints on this one. Wears Golden Eye? This is my answer: Why need Golden Eye when you have Perfect Dark? This game looked better, sounded better, and still had the same feel of the acclaimed 007 game. Actual voice work, a kick ass multiplayer, and more weapons than you know what to do with. Seriously, the multiplayer in this game can match that of Halo and COD, and I'll never forget the countless hourse I've spent shooting rockets at my 64 bit comrades. Oh ya, and there's an alien in the game named ELVIS!
Alright, we're getting to the final trio here. Even though THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE (yay Highlander), I really wouldn't be able to choose only one of these games as my all time favourite. These are the best of the best of my gaming history, and each of them deserve to be number one.
3. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
We all knew this would be on here sometime. This time warping masterpiece is what defined the Nintendo 64. Lock on targeting, auto jumping, the Water Temple, this game had it all. The story was fantastic, following Link as he journeyed on his quest to take down Ganondorf. The music is terrific, the bosses are epic, items are plenty, there is just so much to offer in this game. So why number three and not one? Well, this game came into my life a little later in my life, and the dramatic story ark was sometimes depressing. These are only minor personal issues, so don't lose your head over it.
2. Banjo Kazooie
This really was Rare's golden system. Sure they're owned by Microsoft now, but we all know that the dream team is Nintendo and Rare. My favourite platformer, hands down, is Banjo Kazooie. The concept was simple:A bear and bird team up to defeat the witch Grunty, who has captured Banjo's sister in orde to obtain her youth. Unlike Mario, Donkey Kong, and LOZ, Banjo exceels in one aspect: the water level is tolerable. Not the best level by any means, but still better than the titles previously mentioned. The bear with the yellow shorts will always have a place on my shelf (just, you know, not Nuts N' Bolts).
1. Paper Mario
This game...is incredible. A 3-D world with 2-D characters. Sure the same concept present: Princess gets captured, Mario must save princess. How the plot gets to the conclusion though, is unlike any other Mario game before hand. The turn based mechanic worked great, the characters were lively and colourful, and the badge collecting was addicting. Everything about this game was awesome, and the day I unwrapped this from underneath my Christmas tree was one of the happiest of my gaming life. If you get the chance, play it.
Well, that's it folks. Thank you to all the people who took the time to read this, and see you next time.