The legendary topic of gaming has come forth again. Do violent video games have negative effects on people? The government/parents say yes, gamers say no; Who is right? Speaking to the gamers specifically, I know that millions of you have played violent video games without any effects on your mental state. That's great, but I want to ask you a question: Is it really so impossible that violent games have an impact on how people behave?
Let's take a look at the ESRB rating scheme first. Why does it exist? To keep offensive material out of the hands of children. Why is that important? Because you don't want 10 year olds playing GTA and GoW. Why not? Because they'll think it's okay to do what they see in the game. When they think it's okay, they might try it in real life.
Right now you might be typing in the comment box "Don't blame the gaming industry! It's the parents fault!". Let me stop you right there. That isn't the point I'm trying to make. The point is that people can and will be influenced by things, even when they don't realize it.
Let's say you're watching a horror movie. You usually don't like those kind of movies but your friends are coming with you. You sit down inside the theatre and the movie starts. Throughout the movie, you become startled and scared, jumping out of your seat. But why are you doing that? Don't you know it's just a movie and nothing can happen to you? The movie ends,it is night time, and your friends go their separate ways. Now you're alone, with that horror flick fresh in your mind. As you start to walk home, you feel uneasy and nervous, each shadow looking particularily forboding. But why would that be? You see movies all the time at night and walking home has never been a problem. Why is it now you are terrified of the dark? Maybe it's because that movie has influenced you to be more scared than usual.
Of course, that was just a metaphor; though I would bet my gaming collection that it has happened to at least one person. Why shouldn't a similar predicament not apply to gamers? Why shouldn't a player feel aggressive after losing a match, or excited after getting a head shot. Everyone is influenced by what they see and know, not just kids.
Do I think violence in games has an effect on people? Yes, but so does everything else, so get over it. Going back to that metaphor, the person isn't going to be petrified their entire life. Odds are they'll get over it the next day. Most people know what the difference is between reality and fiction. Some don't, and THAT's where the danger is. As long kids know that making a fatality or a headshot is different than killing someone on the street, I don't care what games they play.