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Opinion On Gaming #2: Exclusives = EVERYTHING!

With Killzone 2 and the DLC for GTA on the way, I thought it would be benificial to discuss why exclusives are so important for developers, publishers, and the consoles themselves. What makes fanboys tick? Why is there a console war? Who has the best games?

Fanboys are a funny species. They join in celebration at the release of exclusive titles for ther system, every time claiming their manliness and their console is superior to others. When other fanboys from other consoles hear this, they immediately ramage the streets and call for an all out war against the celebrators, and thus the flaming begins.

"Gears 2 kicks Resistance 2's ass!"

"You wish! The Locust can't compare to the Chimera!"

"The Locust eat Chimera for breakfast!"

"Your mother!"

And so the rabbling goes on and on with no declarable winner. Who is right? Which game is better? IS there a better? Maybe, maybe not. All we know is that if the game is not on our console, than it must be a bad game. Would there be any arguement if either game game out on both platforms? Probably not. Do you know why? It's because there would nothing to argue about!

The reason why fanboys love (and hate) exclusives is that it makes the person with the exclusive feel special. Important. Better. So much better in fact, that he has nothing better to do than rub the game in the adversaries face and say "Hey, guess what? See this game? Well you can't play it! Hahahaha!", instead of actually playing/enjoying the game. The other gamer, ticked off, starts commenting how the game isn't even good; that it sucks, and that he sucks for buying it. Mr. Exclusive will retaliate and bring along his friends to help defend the game and ridicule the other gamer. Dr. TickedOff then brings his friends into the fray, and the argument becomes a full out brawl, with no clear winner in the end.

If my knowledge of history is correct (bare with me if it isn't), then this is starting to look like an Online version of the Cold war. One side makes some nuclear bombs and says "Hey, we have more bombs than you, so we're in power now". The other country then makes bigger and better bombs and says "No, we have more bombs than you; we are in charge here". This went on and on for decades. Now fanboys are repeating history by saying "we have more exclusives than you; We're better" over and over again.

So just why is it that exclusives are so important? It's what drives the sales. People look at each of the consoles and ask "What are the games that I want to play? Each of the consoles have their own selection of games to answer that question. The consumer looks at these games and decides what will be the best investment for them. Do they want a platform with a lot of family games, or hardcore games? Does it matter if it has blu-ray or not? By answering these questions, a person will know which system is the best choice. Sure, there might be good games on the other platforms, but this console has its' own great exclusives as well.

Let's take an example. throughout the past years, the PS3 and Xbox 360 have been battling it out, with the 360 being the current Leader. Why? Because they had bigger and better exclusives than the PS3. This is where Sony really messed up. I think that if Sony had a starting price of $700 ($100 more), but told us that titles like Devil May Cry 4, GTA 4, Silent Hill, Final Fantasy 13 and many other titles would be exclusive in the future, it would still sell as well on launch day and have a larger number of install bases today. I tell you now; If Resident Evil 5 became an exclusive for PS3, their console sales would soar. Instead, Microsoft has been smart in their marketing, sealing exclusives (like GTA DLC) to draw in more customers. Who can blame them? Why buy the game on the PS3 when you can get the game plus EXCLUSIVE content on the 360?

I'll sum this up for the people who skipped to the bottom (you know who you are).Fanboys love Exclusives. Exclusives equals sales. Sales equals Fanboys.I'll admit it; One of the reasons I wanted Valkyria Chronicles in the first place was because it was a PS3 exclusive. We gamers need to learn that all consoles have great titles, and that you should spend time enjoying games instead of ridiculing them. If you only have a 360, congratulate somebody for creating a new LBP level. If you only have a PS3, high five your fellow gamer who collected all 120 stars. If you only have a Wii, celebrate with the man who beat GOW 2 on Insane. It's okay to be critical of other games. It's an entirely different to be a raging fanboy.