Finally, Semester one of my grade 11 year draws to a close. I am really glad too, because that was probably the most boring semester I've had yet. We did absolutely nothing productive in my Electronics class (It didn't help that we had the most disorganized teacher on the planet). In media Arts, each group had to submit a final project. Unfortunately, my fellow group members didn't bother to show up to the last few weeks of class, so guess who was stuck doing the whole thing? Me! Miraculously, my project turned out pretty good. Surprisingly, my most productive course was construction, in which we built a shed and a deck.
This semester should be much different. With math, physics, english and anthropology, I'll have plenty of homework, so I shouldn't complain about being bored :P.
Also, pretty soon, I will be picking my courses for my last year of high school. This will be a pretty big decision, because they will point me in the direction for my future. Want to know what I want to do as a career? Here's a few hints:
George Lucas....
Steven Spielburg....
Yep, I want to be a director.
Seeing so many great movies made by guys like these make me want to make movies too. I want to put my ideas to the big screen. I'm currently saving up for a video camera and equipment.
Anyway, with this in mind, I have chosen the following courses for my Grade 12 year:
--Media Arts
--Film/Video Production
--Advanced Functions
--Theory of Knowledge
--Writer's Craft
I'm still thinking of what to take for my last two courses.
Sorry that I bored you all through that, now for a gaming update. I've recently bought Guitar Hero 3 and I must say, it is definately harder than number 2. I have beaten it on hard, and I'm on the last five songs on Expert. I also got beat"Through Fire and Flames" on Hard. My arms are sore just typing this, but it was worth it.
Wow, definately one of my longer blogs. Have a great day everyone!